After last year, I have a huge backlog of material written, but not quite ready for release.
Once a story is written it has to be edited, have a cover added, be formatted to ebook etc. All of this takes time, and energy that even with RA doing the bulk of the work, I just don’t have anymore. Being in and out of hospital took its toll, and I’m not back to 100% yet.
Given this I’m wondering about changing methods: setting up a Patreon and scheduling monthly releases of chapters through the site. That way each chapter can cover the editing of the next, and so on, and it is something to definitely get me moving on releasing this rather large backlog. My only small problem is that it means showing off my still-creaky voice on a video.
The first two stories would be Living Legend and Wandering Star, both largely finished but not ready for ebook. Please, let me know your thoughts on this below.