Pedant’s Paradox: Chrysppus’ Crocodile.

Pedant’s Paradox About the series: Examining logic problems and paradoxes and dismantling them, because I am just that picky. Feel free to debate my answers. (Yes I am aware most of these have mathematical answers, but they’re dressed  in real-world examples so they can be looked at with real world logic). This month we are moving onto a traditional Egyptian… (more…)

Site Update

You may notice the theme has changed. I finally bit the bullet, since I wasn’t going to add any more stories until Novelist had gone. I’ve still got a few tweaks to make to the stories and ebooks sections, but the site should get a bit of an update with new stories soon. I am cursing, however, that both I’ve… (more…)

Pedant’s Paradox: The Balding Man

Pedant’s Paradox About the series: Examining logic problems and paradoxes and dismantling them, because I am just that picky. Feel free to debate my answers. (Yes I am aware most of these have mathematical answers, but they’re dressed  in real-world examples so they can be looked at with real world logic). The problem: If a man has a full head… (more…)

Pedant’s Paradox: Theseus’ ship

Pedant’s Paradox About the series: Examining logic problems and paradoxes and dismantling them, because I am just that picky. Feel free to debate my answers. (Yes I am aware most of these have mathematical answers, but they’re dressed  in real-world examples so they can be looked at with real world logic). The Problem: The Athenians preserved Theseus’ ship for posterity.… (more…)

Updating look and feel

I will probably be changing the theme for the site fairly soon. This is a disappointment, as Novelist is a very pretty theme and easy to read content on. However it is also a complete nuisance to update, breaks the tumblr connection and ocassionally looses the background. It has added a huge overhead to things like the book pages where… (more…)

Pedant’s Paradox: Lightning Strikes Twice?

Pedant’s Paradox About the series: Examining logic problems and paradoxes and dismantling them, because I am just that picky. Feel free to debate my answers. (Yes I am aware most of these have mathematical answers, but they’re dressed  in real-world examples so they can be looked at with real world logic). The problem: If the chance of someone in the… (more…)

Changing a release style

After last year, I have a huge backlog of material written, but not quite ready for release. Once a story is written it has to be edited, have a cover added, be formatted to ebook etc. All of this takes time, and energy that even with RA doing the bulk of the work, I just don’t have anymore. Being in… (more…)

A new series of posts for 2015

To replace the videos, which I proved to be dreadful at keeping up with, I’m starting a new series for 2015. Pedants Paradox was inspired by a christmas gift that had me tearing my hair out: a book of paradoxes. The problem is that most of them aren’t paradoxes, those that are are presented badly, and a statistician of my… (more…)

Wear your poppy with pride

Lest we forget

Free Short Story on Smashwords

Tears, a short story from Viewpoints is now available free to download or read free. It is being distributed by Smashwords, but no account or signup is necessary – just click and read. “He only saw his grandmother cry five times in his life.” Read “Tears” Free here Alternatively the complete Viewpoints anthology can now be purchased from Amazon at… (more…)

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